Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Today, April 9th is Old Dave's Birthday

When The Beatles sang "Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I am 64" Dave was just starting to have sweet dreams, he still does, it drives Alanea crazy.  April 9th, today, Dave is 64.  Dave is still going strong despite numerous attempts on his life by fate and folly.  It is obviously God's will that he soldier on and someday, somewhere, somehow make a difference.  When Dave was injured and speaking to Dr. Galia about the difficulty that he was having coping with the long healing time, Dr Galia told Dave that he thought that he had survived "for a reason" and the best was yet to come.  Well Dave is now back "en forme".  He is so proud of Alanea for pulling off the nearly impossible task of relocating to a new country and getting paid by the Russians.  Mr. Putin should meet Alanea, the worst that could happen would be a short term Vodka shortage in Moscow.  Well it is 03:30 on April 9.  I am going to get into bed with Alanea and keep her warm while Old Dave finishes this posting for me.  I am feeling good after my dental work last week.  I have new food and cookies, I never work and the warm sun will be shining on me once again in a few hours.  I will post a picture of Old Dave later.  Maybe one of the girls at the fitness club will give him a kiss for his birthday.

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