I was very upset on Sunday because Alanea was in Paris and Dave went to St. Tropez to do a bike race. Anne came over and let me out before returning to the UK for a few days but I was home alone for most of the day which is a bad thing for me. Dave said he was sorry and gave me 2 cookies so I wrote the following for Dave.
Mes Amis that was the most difficult race that Dave has ever done. Dave took the camera never took it out of his pocket. OK so he has had had a few bumps and set backs in the past few years but holy moly, he has a new lease on life, a new bike, good friends, a nice wife that likes us (I think, occassionally) and me Tiff.
136 km of nothing but Cols (darn big hills), 4 doozies on the map plus other significant climbs. Dave's friend was correct when she told him that the 12 X 25, 39X 52 may present challenges, it did but it is still OK. It took Dave 6 hours to do 136 km, that does not make him happy but it puts him back in the race and puts him in the Silver, not Gold, by 23 minutes category.
The start was so fast that he just sat there watching them go, he thought that they would roll out for at least 5 km and organize but no such luck. He was sure that they would blow up and he would pass dozens on the hills when they were exhausted but I did not pass very many at all and by the time that I got to Collobrieres (75 km) he was simply riding my own ride albeit with other equally challenged, but colourful dudes. Damn it we look good don't we (he wore BCC shorts).
Side Note: It is astounding how Dave rides through a small villages and realizes that we have been there in the past. You just do not get the same perspective or appreciation or memories in a car and the view of the Med from 600 metres is breathtaking, good for romance not for Velo.
Do these guys not feel pain or what. If there are drugs involved Dave wants some, LOL. On the 10 km climb up Notre Dame des Anges (680 mtrs) He actually got off of my bike to allow my muscles to catch up to my brain, which is challenged at the best of times. The only other time that Dave got off my bike on a climb was Ventoux and he was in shape then and a few years younger, excuses excuses (for those who missed it Dave was 62 on Monday the 9th). There was some emotional relief when a few others dismounted for a few minutes.
Note: the race web site claims that the course has 2100 metres of climbing.
Overall it was very well organized, safe, well marked for directions etc. The post race meal was extraordinary, paella, bagette of course etc etc. The awards looked great but as he was out of the money he picked up my toys, hiked his sorry ass back on the bike, after eating, rode to the car 2 km at Casino (a big grocery store) and got home just in time for Happy Hour.
Would he do it again, YES but not without more hill training and less Rose. He is seriously considering advertising for a "Time Machine" on Anglo - Info as the old bugger learned a thing or 2 today.
The race organizer is www.sportscommunication.com
A Bientot
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