As this is my Blog I have the awesome responsibility and pleasure of wishing all of my loyal followers and friends a very Merry Christmas. Dave got me this lovely hat that Alanea says makes me look cute. I am not so sure about the cute referrence but if I can scam an extra cookie or 2 and sleep half of the night with Alanea in her bed by looking cute so be it.
We have had a good year. Alanea has been working hard, Dave is riding strong and travelled to Canada in August. Alanea went to Canada in November and I stayed here all year because I have an International Pet Passport. They both play golf which is a "pain in the ass" because I have to stay home alone.
Dave was granted French residency yesterday but was fined 220 Euros for being illegal for a year.
My world is good. So is yours if you let it be.
Have a great 2012.