We stayed in a little hotel where Dave ate beef 2 days in a row, there was Pintade on the menu but Dave could not be convinced that it was not Pigeon. The restaurant owner translated Pintade to Guinea Fowl. We also went to the Olive Oil place and bought the oil that we bought on one our 1st trips to France. It is a very flavourful oil and worth the trip. The only problem is that Alanea won't let dave touch it, probably a good thing. We went to St. Remy where Alanea bought a very nice table cloth and Dave drank a beer. We went to the museum which was was an asylum (hospital) for mentally disturbed people. The asylum is famous because Vincent Van Gogh the Dutch painter stayed there for a while in 1889. Vincent died shortly after his release but left us with many extraordinary paintings. I have posted Starry Night. Les Baux diappointed however Alanea has fond memories of the ancient pirtched village during low tourist season.